
Signed Resolution 24-39 VIF Shungnak Heavy Equipment

Signed Resolution 24-38 VIF Kotzebue Heavy Equipment

Signed Resolution 24-37 VIF Kivalina Env. Program

Signed Resolution 24-36 VIF Selawik W S Assessment

Signed Resolution 24-35 OPT In Kiana Building

Signed Resolution 24-34 VIF Deering Power Plant Upgrades

Signed Resolution 24-33 VIC Policies Procedures

Signed Resolution 24-32 Selawik Fire Protection System

Signed Resolution 24-31 VPSO Housing Lease

Signed Resolution 24-30 FY25 Donation to Chukchi Consortium Library

Signed Resolution 24-29 FY25 VPSO Grant

Signed Resolution 24-28 CEDS Appointments


Signed Resolution 24-26 Sulianich Transition Plan

Signed Resolution 24-25 Assembly Member Internet Service Program

Signed Resolution 24-24 Assembly Member Health Insurance

Signed Resolution 24-23 Supplemental Contribution to Education FY25

Signed Resolution 24-22 Legal Services Contract FY25

Signed Resolution 24-21 Espelin and Associates FY25

Signed Resolution 24-20 Goldeneye Media Alaska FY25

Signed Resolution 24-19 Legislative Consultants in Alaska FY25

Signed Resolution 24-18 VPSO Canine Program


Signed Resolution 24-17 KOTZ Donation FY24

Signed Resolution 24-16 Shungnak Easement

Signed Resolution 24-15 Deering Easement

Signed Resolution 24-14 FY25 Noatak Community Renvenue Sharing CAP

Signed Resolution 24-13 VPSO Supplemental Employee Handbook


Signed Resolution 24-12-Planning Commission Confirmation.pdf

Signed Resolution 24-11-Ambler Grant.pdf

Signed Resolution 24-10-FY25 Local Contribution to Education.pdf


Signed Resolution 24-09- Deerstone Consulting LLC.pdf

Signed Resolution 24-07- Firearms Procedure Manual.pdf


Signed Resolution 24-06- Emergency Assistance for Kotzebue.pdf

Signed Resolution 24-05- VIF OTZ Backhoe.pdf

Signed Resolution 24-04- VIF Nikaitchuat.pdf

Signed Resolution 24-03- VIF Inpnatchiaq Electric Risers.pdf

Signed Resolution 24-02- SHG Heat Recovery.pdf

Signed-Resolution 24-01-Revised VIC Policies and Procedures.pdf













Signed Res 23-61 FY24 Noatak Community Revenue Sharing – CAP

Signed Res 23-60 Red Dog Mine Exploration and Development

Signed Res 23-59 DOE Grant for Ambler

Signed Res 23-58 VIF Kivalina Wellness

Signed Res 23-57 – VIF Kotzebue Car Crusher

Signed Res 23-56 Authorized Check Signatories

Signed Res 23-55 2023 General Election Certification


Signed Res 23-54 Northern Contractors and Consulting, LLC – Noorvik

Signed Res 23-53 Caribou Harvest

Signed Res 23-52 General Election Officials

Signed Res 23-51 AEA Selawik Grant

Signed Res 23-50 FY24 Altman Rogers

Signed Res 23-49 FY24 VPSO Grant


Signed Res 23-48 City of Kivalina Playground Lease

Signed Res 23-47 Public Safety Plan

Signed Res 23-46 FY24 Donation to Chukchi Consortium Library


Signed Res 23-45 Northern Contractors and Consulting LLC

Signed Res 23-44 Public Safety Commission Confirmation

Signed Res 23-43 City of OBU Public Safety Lease

Signed Res 23-42 VIC Member Confirmation

Signed Res 23-41 DOT and PF MOA – Airport Brushing

Signed Res 23-40 KVL Landfill Clean-up and Waste VIC

Signed Res 23-39 OTZ Emergency Response VIC

Signed Res 23-38 OBU Community Building VIC

Signed Res 23-37 OBU Helical Pier VIC

Signed Res 23-36 BKL Equip Maintenance Parts and Labor VIC


June 26, 2023 Resolution 23-29 FY24 Legal Services Contract

June 26, 2023 Resolution 23-30 Goldeeneye Media Alaska FY24

June 26, 2023 Resolution 23-31 Espelin and Associates FY24

June 26, 2023 Resolution 23-32 Legislative Consultants in Alaska FY24

June 26, 2023 Resolution 23-33 FY23-24 SOA DPH Grant

June 26, 2023 Resolution 23-34 FY24 Deerstone Consulting LLC

June 26, 2023 Resolution 23-35 McClintock Land Associates FY24 Contract’

June 6, 2023 Resolution 23-25 Authorized Check Signatory

June 6, 2023 Resolution 23-26 FY24 WTK Community Revenue Sharing – CAP

June 6, 2023 Resolution 23-27 EPA CPRG Program Grant Application

June 6, 2023 Resolution 23-28 KVL Heavy Equip Purchase


Signed Res 23-21 Firefighting Equipment Purchase

Signed Res 23-22 BLM Cooperating Agency MOU

Signed Res 23-23 FY23 Donation to Native Village of Kotzebue

Signed Res 23-24 FY24 Local Contribution to Education


Signed Resolution_23-20 Agreement with NVATC to Pursue Grant Funding

Signed Resolution_23-19 City of Selawik VPSO Housing Lease

Signed Resolution 23-18 City of Selawik Freezer Building Lease

Signed Resolution 23-17 Deering Fiber Optic Easement

Signed Resolution 23-16 Northern Contractors and Consulting, LLC

Signed Resolution 23-15 Save our Sisters MMIP Amber Alert Proposal

Signed Resolution 23-14 VIF Kobuk Heavy Equipment Project

NAB-NSB Joint Resolution A-2023 Arctic Vision

NAB-NSB Joint Resolution B-2023 Food Security

NAB-NSB Joint Resolution C-2023 Ambler Access Project

NAB-NSB Joint Resolution D-2023 Planning



Signed Res 23-12 ATV Purchase Fire Fighting

Signed Resolution 23-11 Ice Road Contract

Signed Resolution 23-10 RESA Contract for Multi-Community Solar-Battery Project


Signed Resolution 23-09 FY22-26 VPSO CIP Grant

Signed Resolution 23-08 Authorized Check Signatories

Signed Resolution 23-07 TORA Ice Road Project

Signed Resolution 23-06 SIRA Ice Road Project

Signed Resolution 23-05 Teck Donation EDC Projects

Signed Resolution 23-04 Planning Commission Confirmation

Signed Resolution 23-03 KOTZ Donation FY23

Signed Resolution 23-02 RPO Agreement with DOT and PF

Signed Resolution 23-01 Youth Representative


Resolution 22-74 Kobuk 440

Resolution 22-75 City of Kotzebue Fire Dept

Resolution 22-76 Teck AK Donation WTK Solar


Resolution 22-71 AEA Grant Selawik

Resolution 22-72 KVL Road Nav Systems

Resolution 22-73 Denali Com Grant Noatak


Resolution 22-58 NANA Partnership Boiler Repairs

Resolution 22-59 BKL VIF

Resolution 22-60 WLK VIF Solar

Resolution 22-61 NIHA VIF

Resolution 22-62 ORV VIF Heavy Equipment

Resolution 22-63 IAN Opt-In

Resolution 22-64 KVL School Lease

Resolution 22-65 Office Space WTK w-Teck

Resolution 22-66 Grave Digging and Coffin Making

Resolution 22-67 FY23 Boys & Girls Club

Resolution 22-68 AEA Grant WLK, ORV, ABL and IAN

Resolution 22-69 Atoruk Appointment

Resolution 22-70 Certifying Seat I General Election


Resolution 22-48 CEDC K Kowalski appt

Resolution 22-49 CEDC R Sheldon appt

Resolution 22-50 CEDC B Lee appt

Resolution 22-51 S Kurz COVID recognition

Resolution 22-52 FY23 VPSO Grant

Resolution 22-53 SOA FY23 Legis Grant public safety

Resolution 22-54 KVL Shop

Resolution 22-55 Special Rev Fund

Resolution 22-56 AHFC Housing Grant


Resolution 22-33 signed Ground Lease Storage Weisner

Resolution 22-34 NWARCTIC Usage agreement

Resolution 22-35 CEDC Appt T. Pattee

Resolution 22-36 PSC Appt Billy Lee

Resolution 22-37 VIC CITY OF AMBLER Biomass Boiler Project

Resolution 22-39 VIC City of Buckland Erosion Control Project

Resolution 22-40 VIC City of Ambler Heavy Equipment Project

Resolution 22-41 VIC City of Kotz Police Drone and Wellness Program

Resolution 22-42 City of Kotz SCBA Replacement project

Resolution 22-43 City of Kobuk New Community Building

Resolution 22-44 VIC NOORVIK IRA Road Constr and Maintenance Program

Resolution 22-45 Native Village of Selawik Gravel access Route Feasibility Study

Resolution 22-46 City of Selawik Safety Upgrade of Multipurpose Building

Resolution 22-47 D.O.T. airport vegetation clearing


Resolution 22-29 Jackie Hill PSC APPT

Resolution 22-30 McClintock FY23 Prof Svs Agreement

Resolution 22-31 Planning Commission APPTS

Resolution 22-32 Planning Commission APPT


Resolution 22-12 VIC appts

Resolution 22-13 PSC Appts

Resolution 22-14 Rep Don Young

Resolution 22-15 EDC Appt R. Norton

Resolution 22-16 Noorvik VIF Articulating hauler

Resolution 22-17 Noatak Solar Array

Resolution 22-18 ARPA Funds

Resolution 22-19 Chamberlain Agreement

Resolution 22-20 Goldeneye Media Ak Agreement

Resolution 22-21 Legal Svs LLB

Resolution 22-22 Espelin & Associates LLC Agreement

Resolution 22-23 Local Contribution FY23

Resolution 22-24 Noatak CAP

Resolution 22-25 Chukchi Library donation FY23

Resolution 22-26 ACS Agreement FY23

Resolution 22-27 G.Hernandez warm storage KVL BKL

Resolution 22-28 add’l Check Signer’s


April 26, 2022


March 22, 2022 Resolution 22-10 NIHA Homelessness donation

March 22, 2022 Resolution 22-09 Fire Dept donation

March 22, 2022 Resolution 22-08 CEDC Nomination

March 22, 2022 Resolution 22-07 Aqqaluk Trust donation

March 22, 2022 Resolution 22-06 Nikaitchuat donation


February 23, 2022 Resolution 22-05 Failed

February 23, 2022 Resolution 22-04 Winter Trail staking policy

February 23, 2022 Resolution 22-03 BKL HVAC System

February 23, 2022 Resolution 22-02 ARPA Funds Grant

February 23, 2022 Joint Resoluiton 22-01 City of Kotz


December 27, 2021 Resolution 21-70 ARPA

December 27, 2021 Resolution 21-69 Ak Energy Authority

December 27, 2021 Resolution 21-68 Kobuk 440 donation

December 27, 2021 Resolution 21-67 Declaration of Disaster

December 27, 2021 Resolution 21-66 EDC Appointment

December 27, 2021 Resolution 21-65 RTPO


November 23, 2021 Resolution 21-64 Noatak fuel storage lease

November 23, 2021 Resolution 21-63 Independent Power Producers

November 23, 2021 Resolution 21-62 Ground lease Kotz

November 23, 2021 Resolution 21-61 Boys & Girls Club donation


October 26, 2021 Resolution 21-60 Relief Flexibility Act 

October 26, 2021 Resolution 21-59 VIC Noatak Solar Battery 

October 26, 2021 Resolution 21-58 VIC KEA Renewable Project

October 26, 2021 Resolution 21-57 VIC Kiana Renovation Project 

October 26, 2021Resolution 21-56 Check Signers

October 11, 2021 Resolution 21-55 AMDIAP

October 11, 2021 Resolution 21-54 Election Certification 


September 29, 2021 Resolution 21-53 KOTZ Donation

September 29, 2021 Resolution 21-51 CARES Act Expenditures

September 29, 2021 Resolution 21-50 Disaster Declaration Extension

September 29, 2021 Resolution 21-49 Election Workers


August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-48 NWAB COVID Disaster Ratification 

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-47 ACS Contract II

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-46 ACS Contract 

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-45 ORV Equipment 

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-44 ABL Gravel Extraction 

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-43 DRG Distribution Upgrade

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-42 KVL Dump Site Cleanup 

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-41 BKL Generator Replacement

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-40 WLK Water Sewer Eval

August 24, 2021 Resolution 21-39 NVKVL Intertie 


July 27, 2021 Resolution 21-38 V Blade Loader

July 27, 2021 Resolution 21-37 Altman & Rogers

July 27, 2021 Resolution 21-36 Agnew Beck

July 27, 2021 Resolution 21-35 McClintock Associates 

July 27, 2021 Resolution 21-34 Indian Energy Grant


June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-33 Eva Harvey Tribal Business

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-32 AK Janitorial

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-31 Espelin and Associates

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-30 Bering Straits Develop Co.

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-29 Deering Old Clinic

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-28 E. Nay Resignation 

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-27 Check Signers

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-26 Legal Services

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-25 WChamberlain

June 22, 2021: Resolution 21-24 Golden Eye Media


May 25, 2021: Resolution 21-23 PC Mayor’s Appt

May 25, 2021: Resolution 21-22 Arctic Policy

May 25, 2021: Resolution 21-21 Deerstone Consulting

May 25, 2021: Resolution 21-20 Chukchi Donation

May 25, 2021: Resolution 21-19 Noatak CAP


April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-18 WSA 21-01

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-17 COVID Disaster

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-16 Local Education Contribution

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-15 COVID Disaster Declaratoin

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-14 VIC Appointment

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-13 VIC Policies

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-12 VIC Deering Heavy Equip

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-11 City of Kotzebue Ambulance

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-10 VIC City of Selawik

April 27, 2021: Resolution 21-09 Shungnak Pickup


March 24, 2021: Resolution 21-08 SOA 2022 Operating Budget


February 23, 2021: Resolution 21-07 3rd Ave Sidewalk Donation

February 23, 2021: Resolution 21-06 VIC Appointments 

February 23, 2021: Resolution 21-05 PILT Amendment 


January 26, 2021: Resolution 21-04 Ice Roads TORA

January 26, 2021: Resolution 21-03 Altman Rogers Audit 2020

January 26, 2021: Resolution 21-02 Kobuk 440 Donation

January 26, 2021: Resolution 21-01 Dept. of Energy Noatak


December 22, 2020: Resolution 20-91

December 22, 2020: Resolution 20-92


October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-79

October 28, 2020:  Resolution 20-80

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-81

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-82

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-83

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-84

October 28, 2020:  Resolution 20-85

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-86

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-87

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-88

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-89

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-90


October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-52am01

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-71

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-72

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-73

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-74

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-75

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-76

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-77

October 28, 2020: Resolution 20-78


August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-56 Borough Clerk

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-57 KVL VIF Funding

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-58 Unit 23

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-59 Jen Jarvis

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-60 Bus Barn

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-61 CARES Act

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-62 ACS Internet

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-63 ACS IT

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-64 EDC Commissioner

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-65 Youth Rep Baker

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-66 VPSO Housing Lease FY21

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-67 Election Workers

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-68 CARES Act Exp. KOTZ

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-69 Joule resignation

August 25, 2020: Resolution 20-70 General Election


July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-55

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-54

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-53

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-52

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-51

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-50

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-49 

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-48

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-47 ABL Tank Farm 

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-46 VIF DRG Heavy Equipment

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-45 ABL Heavy Equipment

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-44 VIF WLK Community Clean-up

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-43 VIF IAN Heavy Equipment

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-42 VIF ABL Gravel 

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-41 VIF WLK Multi-purpose Building

July 28, 2020: Resolution 20-40 Agnew Beck

July 10, 2020: Resolution 20-38 OTZ Storage Building

July 10, 2020: Resolution 20-39 Warm Storage Building


June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-14 am 01

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-28 Espelin and Associates 

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-29 Altman Rogers FY20 Audit 

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-30 McClintock Land Associates

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-31 CEDC Member Rep

June 23, 2020: resolution 20-32 ARDOR Coronavirus Relief Grant 

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-33 ANA Grant 

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-34 AK Janitorial FY21 Contract 

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-35 Cape Blossom Rd. Advance

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-36 Noatak Warm Storage

June 23, 2020: Resolution 20-37 FY21 Legal Services 


May 27, 2020: Resolution 20-21 Legislative Consultants

May 27, 2020: Resolution 20-22 Goldeneye Media Alaska 

May 27, 2020: Resolution 20-23 FY21 Local Contribution to Education 

May 27, 2020: Resolution 20-24 Public Safety Commission Confirm

May 27, 2020: Resolution 20-25 Chuckchi Donation 

May 27, 2020: Resolution 20-26 Noatak Community Revenue 

May 27, 2020: Resolution 20-27 CARES ACT Relief Funding 


April 27, 2020: Resolution 20-13 WTK Grant Application 

April 28, 2020: Resolution 20-14 Refunding Bonds 

April 28, 2020: Resolution 20-15 VIF ABL SAR Firehall Building

April 28, 2020: Resolution 20-16 VIF ABL LED Street 

April 28, 2020: Resolution 20-17 VIF Regional Broadcast Phase 2

April 28, 2020: Resolution 20-18 VIF WLK Multi Purpose Building

April 28, 2020: Resolution 20-19 KVL School Site Lease 

April 28, 2020: Resolution 20-20 FY20 Designated Legislative Grant 


March 25, 2020: Resolution 20-11 Heat Pump Study

March 25th, 2020: Resolution 20-12 Emergency Disaster 


February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-01 VIF KVL Intertie 

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-02 VIF SHG Equipment

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-03 VIF OBU Drain Field Improvements 

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-04  VIF OBU Water Source Improvement

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-05 VIF NWABSD Food Service 

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-06 VIF NWABSD Inupiaq Language 

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-07 VIF NWABSD Pre-K

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-08 Chuckchi Campus

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-09 2020 Census

February 25, 2020: Resolution 20-10 Failed Maintanance and Repair


  • December 19, 2019: Res 19-77
    Approving an assembly donation under the FY20 budget for the Boys & Girls Club
  • December 19, 2019: Res 19-76
    Certifying that the municipality did suffer significant effects during the program base year from fisheries business activities that occurred within the Kotzebue-Northern Fisheries Management Area 12
  • December 19, 2019: Res 19-75
    Confirming the appointment of R. Camrynn Hildreth as Advisory Youth Representative to the Planning Commission


  • November 26, 2019: Res 19-73
    Ratifying the Mayor’s appointment of Elmer Armstrong Jr. to the Economic Development Commission and Sulianich Board
  • November 26, 2019: Res 19-71
    Approving and adopting revised policies and procedures for the Village Improvement Commission
  • November 26, 2019: Res 19-70
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Ambler for Phase 3 of its Energy Efficiency Project
  • November 26, 2019: Res 19-69
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Ambler for its Biomass Boiler Project
  • November 26, 2019: Res 19-68
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Shungnak for an excavator
  • November 26, 2019: Res 19-67
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Shungnak for water and sewer for the new community building
  • November 26, 2019: Res 19-74
    Ratifying the Mayor’s appointment of members to the Village Improvement Commission


  • October 25, 2019: Res 19-65
    Approving an assembly donation under the FY20 budget for Kotzebue Broadcasting, Inc.
  • October 25, 2019: Res 19-64
    Approving a lease for the Sulianich Association
  • October 25, 2019: Res 19-63
    Approving an assembly donation under the FY20 budget for the Native Village of Kotzebue Nikaitchuat Ilisagviat
  • October 7, 2019: Res 19-62
    Certifying the October 1, 2019 General Election Results


  • September 24, 2019: Res 19-61
    Approving an Assembly Donation Under the FY20 Budget for the Chukchi Consortium Library
  • September 24, 2019: Res 19-60
    Appointing Coltrane Chase as Youth Advisory Representative to the Assembly


  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-59
    Establishing the FY20 Borough Investment Allocation, Setting Appropriate Performance Benchmarks
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-58
    Appointing Kyleigha Wilson-Nay as Youth Advisory Representative to the Assembly
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-57
    Approving allocation and payment for the FY20 Alaska Community Assistance Program
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-56
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noorvik for landfill clean-up, burner, and equipment
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-55
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noorvik for a Caterpillar loader
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-54
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noorvik for storage and tools
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-53
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noatak for a water truck
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-52
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noatak for a waste oil burner unit
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-50
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noatak for a dozer for dump management
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-49
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noatak for a Bobcat
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-48
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Buckland for a road/water and sewer project
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-46
    Approving a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the Northwest Arctic Borough Region
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-45 
    Accepting a FY20 USDA High Energy Cost Grant
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-44
    Approving Amendment of a Professional Services Agreement with the McDowell Group
  • August 27, 2019: Res 19-43
    Approving a services agreement with Alaska Janitorial S.F., Inc., to provide janitorial services for the Borough building


  • July 23, 2019: Res 19-41
    Approving a construction service agreement with a joint venture between Drake Construction, Inc. and KIC Construction, LLC for the purchase and delivery of material for the Cape Blossom Road


  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-37
    Approving a memorandum of agreement to provide reimbursable advance funding for the Cape Blossom Road
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-36
    Adding Paula Octuck-Viveiros as an authorized signatory for Borough checks
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-35
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noatak to purchase a trash burn unit
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-34
  • Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Noatak for a community-wide trash clean-up project
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-33
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Kiana for construction of a community building
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-32
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Deering for improvements to the east end electric distribution system and grid
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-31
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Deering for purchase of a water truck
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-30
    Approving a Village Improvement Fund application from Ambler for Phase 2 of an energy efficiency program
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-29
    Approving and adopting revised policies and procedure for the Village Improvement Commission
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-28
    Approving a professional services agreement with McClintock Land Associates for consulting, mapping, and surveying services related to the Borough’s municipal land entitlement
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-27
    Authorizing a professional services agreement with Espelin & Associates LLC to provide accounting services
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-26
    Authorizing a contract for legal services
  • June 25, 2019: Res 19-25
    Approving a professional services agreement with Goldeneye Media Alaska


  • May 21, 2019: Res 19-24
    Authorizing transfer of funds within the Economic Development Department for Scholarship awards
  • May 21, 2019: Res 19-23
    Pursue a US Dept of Agriculture 2019 High Energy Cost Grant for solar power and batteries for the communities of Shungnak and Kobuk
  • May 21, 2019: Res 19-22
    Accepting an FY20 Village Public Safety Officer grant
  • May 21, 2019: Res 19-21
    Approving and adopting a donation policy for resident and organization requests for Borough donations
  • May 21, 2019: Res 19-20
    Approving a professional services agreement with Wendy Chamberlain DBA Legislative Consultants in Alaska for lobbying


  • April 23, 2019: Res 19-19
    Support of the Alaska Native Vietnam Era Veterans Allotment Act
    April 23, 2019: Res 19-18
    Approving a partnership with the Alaska Community Foundation for Village Improvement Fund grant administration services
  • April 23, 2019: Res 19-17
    Approving the unincorporated community of Noatak for participation in the FY20 Community Assistance Program
  • April 23, 2019: Res 19-16
    Approving Village Improvement Fund applications from Deering, Selawik, Shungnak, and Kotzebue
  • April 23,2019: Res 19-15
    Approving revised policies and procedures for the Village Improvement Commission
  • April 23, 2019: Res 19-14
    Providing for the FY20 local contribution to education
  • April 23, 2019: Res 19-13
    Confirming the Mayor’s appointments to the NAB Public Safety Commission
  • April 23, 2019: Res 19-12
    Approving a multi-jurisdictional all-hazards mitigation plan


  • March 26, 2019: Res 19-10
    Confirming the Mayor’s appointments to the NAB Public Safety Commission
  • March 26, 2019: Res 19-09
    Approving a professional services agreement with the McDowell Group for updating and revising the 2015 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
  • March 26, 2019: Res 19-08
    Approving and Adopting a written policy for assembly member travel, and for related purposes
  • March 26, 2019: Res 19-07
    Supporting legislation by Senator Mike Shower to create an Alaska Rural Police Officer Program


  • January 22, 2019: Res 19-05
    Certifying that the municipality did suffer significant effects during the program base year from fisheries business activities that occurred within the Kotzebue-Northern Fisheries Management Area 12
  • January 22, 2019: Res 19-04
    Confirming the Mayor’s appointments to the NAB Planning Commission
  • January 22, 2019: Res 19-03
    Approving Village Improvement Fund applications from Ambler and Kotzebue
  • January 22, 2019: Res 19-02 
    Approving the purchase of firefighting equipment and for related purposes
  • January 22, 2019: Res 19-01
    Approving a professional services agreement with McClintock Land Associates for consulting, mapping, and surveying services related to the Borough’s municipal land entitlement, and for related purposes


  • December 18, 2018: Res 18-31
    Ratifying the Mayor’s appointment of members to the Village Improvement Commission
  • December 18, 2018: Res 18-30
    Transferring a hydroponics van to the Chukchi Campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks


  • November 20, 2018: Res 18-29
    Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract with KIC for repair of the Borough’s building foundation, and for related purposes
  • November 20, 2018: Res 18-28
    Establishing the FY19 Borough investment allocation, setting appropriate performance benchmarks, and for related purposes
  • November 20, 2018: Res 18-27
    Adding, Removing, and Confirming Authorized Signatories for Borough checks


  • October 8, 2018: Res 18-24
    Certifying the Borough election results and runoff election for office of the Mayor


  • May 30, 2018: Res 18-07
    Supporting funding for the Deering Water Treatment Plant Project
  • May 30, 2018: Res 18-06
    Approving written procedures for the Village Improvement Commission
  • May 30, 2018: Res 18-05
    Approving a memorandum of agreement with the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for road maintenance activities for the Kivalina road
  • May 30, 2018: Res 18-04
    Approving the unincorporated community of Noatak for participation in the FY19 Community Assistance Program


  • January 30, 2018: Res 18-02
    Approving a professional services agreement with McClintock Land Associates for consulting mapping, and surveying services related to the Borough’s Municipal Land Entitlement, and for related purposes
  • January 30, 2018: Res 18-01
    Authorizing the Mayor and his administration to pursue cost-effective methods of lowering operation, maintenance, and consumer costs related to energy and water/sewer systems in coordination with regional partners, and for related purposes.


  • May 31, 2017: Res 17-12
    Delegating to the Northwest Arctic Borough School District specific authorities relating to a Grant Agreement with the State of Alaska, Department of Education and Early Development for the Kivalina Replacement School, and for related purposes.


  • April 25, 2017: Res 17-11
    Confirming Shield Downey, Jr as the Elders representative for a one-year term.
  • April 25, 2017: Res 17-10
    Adding Clara Jones as an authorized signatory for borough checks.
  • April 25, 2017: Res 17-09
    Approving the purchase of equipment for the VPSO program and for related purposes.


  • March 28, 2017: Res 17-08
    Authorizing a professional services agreement with Espelin & Associates LLC to provide accounting services and for related purposes.


  • February 28, 2017: Res 17-07
    Approving a professional services agreement with Qairrun, LLC for Economic Development Services and for related purposes.
  • February 28, 2017: Res 17-06
    Approving a professional services agreement with Goldeneye Media Alaska
  • February 28, 2017: Res 17-05
    Approving a professional services agreement with Qairrun, LLC for Human Resources Services and for related purposes.


  • January 24, 2017: Res 17-04
    Approving a professional services agreement with Wendy Chamberlain DBA Legislative Consultants in Alaska for lobbying and media services and for related purposes.
  • January 24, 2017: Res 17-03
    Approving a professional services agreement with Andy Baker DBA Baker Professional Services for lobbying services and for related purposes.
  • January 24, 2017: Res 17-02
    Accepting a $286,896 Department of Justice COPS Grant and for related purposes.
  • January 24, 2017: Res 17-01
    Accepting State operating funds to construct ice roads and for related purposes.


  • December 16, 2016: Res 16-60
    Authorizing execution of a construction manager contract for the Pre-construction, design, and construction activities for the Kivalina McQueen School.


  • November 22, 2016: Res 16-59
    Approving transfer of federally-funded container gardening system equipment to the Kotzebue IRA, and for related purposes.
  • November 22, 2016: Res 16-58
    Approval of use of required federal matching funds, managed by Northwest Arctic Borough , from other permitted federal funds, in support of the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development funded Kivalina McQueen School Project.
  • November 22, 2016: Res 16-57
    Approval of a phased construction manager/general contractor (CM/GM) contract with Remote Solutions, LLC for the pre-construction, design, and construction activities for the Kivalina McQueen School.
  • November 28, 2016: Res 16-56
    Authorizing a phased construction manager/general contractor (CM/GM) contract with Remote Solutions LLC for the pre-construction, design, and construction activities for the Kivalina McQueen School.
  • November 18, 2016: Res 16-55
    Authorizing a contract with Northern Energy Technology, LLC to install a solar heating system with heat pump to the hydroponic greenhouse in Kotzebue, Alaska, and for related purposes.


  • October 25, 2016: Res 16-54
    Approving an Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Recreational Trails Grant Application in the amount of $100,000 for Northwest Arctic Borough inter-village trials maintenance.
  • October 25, 2016: Res 16-53
    Authorizing participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program, and for related purposes.
  • October 25, 2016: Res 16-51
    Approving amendment of a professional services agreement with the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
  • October 25, 2016: Res 16-50
    Directing the Borough Administration to work expeditiously towards construction of the Kivalina School, and for related purposes.
  • October 10, 2016: Res 16-49
    Authorizing a contract with Tekmate LLC for purchase and installation of a server for the Borough’s accounting software, and for related purposes.
  • October 10, 2016: Res 16-48
    Certifying the October 4, 2016 General Election results.


  • September 15, 2016: Res 16-47
    Approving a contract with Electric Power Systems for electric controller installation for the Buckland Wind- diesel project funded through the Alaska Energy Authority.
  • September 15, 2016: Res 16-46
    Designating precinct chairpersons for the October 2016 General Election.
  • September 15, 2016: Res 16-45
    Approving a contract with Caselle, Inc., for the purchase of accounting software and related services.
  • September 15, 2016: Res 16-44
    Approving engagement of BDO USA LLP to conduct the FY16 audit and for related purposes.
  • September 15, 2016: Res 16-43
    Refunding bonds in the principal amount of not to exceed $4,750,000 to refund certain outstanding General Obligation bonds of the Borough, fixing certain details of such bonds and authorizing their sale.


  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-42
    Approving a phased construction manager/general contractor contract with Remote Solutions LLC for pre-construction, design and construction activities for the Kivalina Evacuation and school access road.
  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-41
    Approving Borough office improvements for the purchase and installation of energy-efficient lights.
  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-40
    Adopting taxation regulations for administration of borough taxes, and for related purposes.
  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-39
    Accepting an FY17 Village Public Safety Officer Grant and for related purposes.
  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-38
    Authorizing a contract for services with Tekmate LLC for maintenacne and techncial support for the Borough’s computer equipment, software and server and for related purposes.
  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-37
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Golden Eye Media Alaska for media content services and related purposes.
  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-36
    Establishing the FY17 long- term investment allocation, setting appropriate performance benchmarks, and for related purposes.
  • August 23, 2016: Res 16-35
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Alaska Permanent Capital Management for investment management services and related purposes.
  • August 18, 2016: PC – Res 16-03
    Approving The Native Village of Deering’s draft conditional use permit #101-03-17, and for related purposes.


  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-34 
    Approving negotiation of a Memorandum of Agreement with the State of Alaska and related parties for the Kivalina Road Project.
  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-33
    Authorizing joint pursuit of Economic Development Administration Grant Funds for alternative energy projects with NANA’s Village Energy Program, and for related purposes.
  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-32
    Authorizing an agreement with Remote Solutions LLC to perform CIAP grant-funded Community Planning Services, and for related purposes.
  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-31
    Confirming Angie Sturm as the Borough Treasurer/Finance Director, and for related purposes.
  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-30
    Approving a contract with Alaska Communications (ACS) for telecommunications equipment and network services, and for related purposes.
  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-29
    Approving amendment of a construction contract with STG for the Buckland Wind-Diesel Project.
  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-28
    Approving contracts for construction services with Kycel Construction LLC for renovations at the Borough’s Public Safety Building in Shungnak, Alaska and for related purposes.
  • July 26, 2016: Res 16-27
    Accepting the resignation of Assembly Member Clyde Ramoth for Assembly Seat E, and directing the Borough Clerk to solicit nominations to fill the vacant seat at the Regular 2016 Election.


  • June 28, 2016: Res 16-26 
    approving extension of a ground lease with the State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
  • June 28, 2016: Res 16-25 
    Authorizing a contract for legal services and for related purposes.
  • June 8, 2016: PC – Res 16-02 
    Approving NovaCopper US Inc’s draft conditional use permit #105-03-16, and for related purposes.


  • May 24, 2016: Res 16-24 
    Providing for the FY17 local contribution to education.
  • May 24, 2016: Res 16-23 
    Approving the unincorporated Community of Noatak for participation in the FY17 Revenue Sharing Program.
  • May 24, 2016: Res 16-22 
    Accepting a CIAP-Grant funded solar array project and for related purposes.
  • May 24, 2016: Res 16-21
    Accepting a CIAP-Grant funded heat pump project and for related purposes.
  • May 24, 2016: Res 16-20
    Accepting a design build contract with Ridge Contracting for VPSO Housing in Ambler.


  • April 15, 2016: Res 16-19
    Accepting a US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Cooperative Grant in the amount of $37,000 from Maniilaq Association.
  • April 15, 2016: Res 16-18
    Approving the purchase of accessory parts for previously purchased heavy equipment in an amount not to exceed $40,000.


  • March 22, 2016: Res 16-17 
    Approving an easement across borough property in Noorvik to the City of Noorvik for public utilities.
  • March 22, 2016: Res 16-16 
    Approving the purchase of a 20′ aluminum boat, engine, and freight to Kotzebue for the Village Public Safety Officer’s Program.
  • March 22, 2016: Res 16-15 
    Agreement with ANTHC study KVL and related purposes.
  • March 22, 2016: Res 16-14 
    Approving the purchase of a dozer, accessory parts, and shipment to Kivalina.
  • March 17, 2016: PC – Res 16-01
    Recommending approval of an easement across Borough Property in Noorvik to The City of Noorvik for public utitlities, and for related purposes.


  • February 23, 2016: Res 16-13 
    Approving a professional services agreement with Bering Straits Development Company for closeout work on alternative energy projects.
  • February 23, 2016: Res 16-12 
    Approving a contract with Lynden Air Cargo for shipment of a dump truck and dozer to Kobuk.
  • February 23, 2016: Res 16-11 
    Approve a professional services contract with Dowl for KVL
  • February 23, 2016: Res 16-10 
    Accepting state operating funds in an amount not to exceed $50,000 to construct Ice Roads
  • February 23, 2016: Res 16-09
    Approving the purchase of a 10 yard dump truck, accessory parts, and training for the community of Kobuk and an amount up to $45,000.00
  • February 23, 2016: Res 16-08
    Approving the purchase of an excavator, accessory parts, training, and shipment for the Community of Kivalina in an amount up to $224,500.00
  • February 23, 2016: Res 16-07
    Designating the Alaska State Legislative Priorities for Fiscal Year 2017


  • January 26, 2016: Res 16-06 
    Approving the hiring of necessary legal and tax experts.
  • January 26, 2016: Res 16-05 
    Recognizing the importance of the Subsistence Mapping Project and Atlas
  • January 26, 2016: Res 16-04 
    Approving a professional services agreement with Remote Solutions for grant-related services.
  • January 26, 2016: Res 16-03 
    Approving a professional services agreement with Legislative Consultants for lobbying and media services and related purposes.
  • January 26, 2016: Res 16-02 
    Approving a professional services agreement with Baker Professional Services for lobbying services and related purposes.
  • January 26, 2016: Res 16-01
    Accepting annual state ARDOR grant funding for the NAB ARDOR and Economic Development Commission Administration.


  • December 22, 2015: Res 15-55
    Accepting a grant from AHFC for public safety housing in Ambler
  • December 22, 2015: Res 15-45
    Authorizing a professional services agreement with Glenn Gray and Associates


  • November 24, 2015: Res 15-49
    Approving professional services agreement amendments for subsistence mapping project.
  • November 24, 2015: Res 15-54
    Designating a committee to appoint Assembly Committee members FAILED
  • November 24, 2015: Res 15-53
    Approving amendment of a construction contract with STG for the Deering Wind-Diesel project
  • November 24, 2015: Res 15-51
    Establishing the FY16 Long Term Investment allocation
  • November 24, 2015: Res 15-50
    Approving a professional services agreement with APCM for investment management services
  • November 24, 2015: Res 15-47
    Disclaiming interest in 2015 DOJ JAG Program grant funds being awarded to the City of Kotzebue
  • November 24, 2015: Res 15-52
    Amending a contract with Electric Power Systems for BKL Wind-Diesel project
  • November 6, 2015: Res 15-44
    Certifying Mayoral Runoff Race results


  • October 12, 2015: Res 15-43
    Certifying the October 6, 2015 General Election results and setting a runoff election for mayor.


  • September 22, 2015: Res 15-42
    Approve a professional services agreement amendment with Stephanie Joannides
  • September 22, 2015: Res 15-40
    Approving a professional services agreement with DOWL-HKM for Kivalina Evacuation Road
  • September 22, 2015: Res 15-39
    Authorizing an agreement with NANA for Title Nine Monitoring


  • July 29, 2015: Res 15-38
    Approving a professional services agreement with ANTHC to perform W&S Improvement & Upgrades
  • July 29, 2015: Res 15-37
    Accepting an FY16 VPSO Grant
  • July 29, 2015: Res 15-36
    Approving a Shell-funded research project to study Nearshore waters of Kotzebue Sound
  • July 29, 2015: Res 15-35
    Approving a ground lease with the City of Ambler for VPSO Housing
  • July 29, 2015: Res 15-34
    Approving transfer of an Eocycle Wind Turbine to KEA
  • July 29, 2015: Res 15-33
    Approving engagement of BDO for FY15 Audit


  • June 23, 2015: Resolution 15-29
    Authorizing continuation of services with Network Business Systems for maintenance and technical support for the Borough’s computer equipment, software, and server, and for related purposes.
  • June 23, 2015: Resolution 15-30
    Authorizing a professionals services agreement with McClintock Land Associates for consulting, mapping, and surveying services related to the Borough’s Municipal Land Entitlement, and for related purposes.
  • June 23, 2015: Resolution 15-31
    Authorizing a professional services agreement with Drake Construction for heavy equipment maintenance and repair, and for related purposes.
  • June 23, 2015: Resolution 15-32
    Accepting additional grant funds from Shell Exploration and Production Company and approving research projects funded under that research grant agreement, and for related purposes.


  • May 19, 2015: Resolution 15-21
    Providing for the Local Contribution to Education for FY16 Ending June 30, 2016.
  • May 19, 2015: Resolution 15-22
    Approving the Unincorporated Community of Noatak For Participation in the FY16 Community Revenue Sharing Program.
  • May 19, 2015: Resolution 15-23
    Accepting Funds for Search and Rescue and Authorizing Purchase of Building Supplies, And for related purposes.
  • May 19, 2015: Resolution 15-24
    Approve a Partnership Between the North Slope Borough, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, And Nana Regional Corporation, Inc.
  • May 19, 2015: Resolution 15-25
    Authorizing a Grant Application to The National Endowment for the Humanities on Behalf of the Regional Elders Council and Inupiaq Language Commission for the Development of An Inupiaq Traditional Knowledge Web Portal.
  • May 19, 2015: Resolution 15-26
    Approving A Memorandum of Agreement with The City Of Noorvik for Improvement and Shared use of a Public Safety Facility.


  • April 28, 2015: Resolution 15-17
    Accept annual state Ardor grant funding of $77,410 for the NAB Ardor and Economic Development Commission Administration.
  • April 28, 2015: Resolution 15-18
    Approve a professional services agreement with Tok Welding and Fabrication for waste burn units and related purposes.
  • April 28, 2015: Resolution 15-19
    Approve a professional services agreement with ANTHC to perform water and sewer improvement services and related purposes.
  • April 28, 2015: Resolution 15-20
    Adding Kathleen Lansdale as an Authorized Signatory For Borough Checks.


  • February 24, 2015: Resolution 15-10
    Approving a transfer of responsibilities agreement between the State of Alaska Dept. of Tranportation and Public Facilities and the Northwest Arctic Borough
  • February 24, 2015: Resolution 15-11
    Approving a professional services agreement with Bering Straits Development Co. for relocation of the Noorvik Met Tower
  • February 24, 2015: Resolution 15-12
    Approving a professional services agreement with ANTHC to perform water and sewer management capacity evaluations for Borough villages
  • February 24, 2015: Resolution 15-13
    Approving a professional services agreement with Golder Associates Inc. to perform geotechnical services for the Kivalina evacuation and access road study
  • February 24, 2015: Resolution 15-14
    Approving a professional services agreement with WHPacific to continue developing a regional energy plan
  • February 24, 2015: Resolution 15-15
    Approving joining a lawsuit against the National Marine Fisheries Services regarding its decision to list the Arctic, Okhotsk, Baltic, and Lagoda subspecies of the ringed seal under the endangered species act in an amount not to exceed $20,000


  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-01
    Authorizing the NAB to Issue General Obligation Refunding Bonds in the Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $9.2 Million to Refund Certain Outstanding General Obligation Bonds of the Borough, Fixing Certain Details of Such Bonds, and Authorizing Their Sale.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-02
    Designating the Alaska State Legislative Capital Grant Priorities for FY 2016.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-03
    Amending the FY 2015 Long-Term Investment Allocation, Setting Appropriate Performance Benchmarks.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-04
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Coffman Engineers for the Wind-Diesel Project in Deering.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-05
    Approving an Agreement with KEA for the Buckland and Deering Wind-Diesel Projects.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-06
    Approving Amendment of a Professional Services Agreement with Bering Straits Development Co.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-07
    Approving a Mutual Aid Emergency Assistance Agreement with the North Slope Borough.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-08
    Accepting Additional AEA Grant Funds for the Buckland, Deering, and Noorvik Wind-Diesel Projects.
  • January 27, 2015: Resolution 15-09
    Approving a Local Matching Payment to the Army Corps of Engineers Under a Planning Assistance Agreement for the Kivalina Evacuation Road Study.


  • November 11, 2014: Resolution 14-56
    Authorizing the Transfer of Certain Heavy Equipment to the City of Shungnak.
  • November 11, 2014: Resolution 14-55
    Accepting a $50,000 Grant from Shell Alaska to Fund Search and Rescue Equipment and Facilities.
  • November 11, 2014: Resolution 14-54
    Approving a Contract with KEA to Purchase and Install LED Equivalent Lights in Borough Communities.
  • November 11, 2014: Resolution 14-53
    Approving FY2015 Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Recreational Trails Grant in the Amount of $100,000 for the NAB Inter-Village Trails Mapping Project.
  • November 11, 2014: Resolution 14-49am01
    Professional Services Contract with Legislative Consultants in Alaska for FY15.


  • October 28, 2014: Resolution 14-52
    Professional Services Agreement with Sharp Associates LLC for Financial Advising Services and Related Purposes.
  • October 28, 2014: Resolution 14-51
    Professional Sevices Agreement with DOWL-HKM and for Related Purposes.
  • October 28, 2014: Resolution 14-50
    Professional Sevices Agreement with Alaska Permanent Capital Manangement for Investment Management Services and Related Purposes.
  • October 28, 2014: Resolution 14-49 (Failed: 5 for, 4 against)
    Professional Sevices Contract with Legislative Consultants in Alaska for FY15 and Related Purposes.
  • October 28, 2014: Resolution 14-48
    Establishing the FY15 Long-Term Investment Allocation, Setting Appropriate Performance Benchmarks, and Related Purposes.
  • October 28, 2014: Resolution 14-47
    To Participate in the Alaska Municipal League – Joint Insurance Assoc. (AML-JIA) Loss Control Incentive Program.
  • October 28, 2014: Resolution 14-46
    Accepting a FY15 Village Public Safety Officer Grant and Related Purposes.
  • October 13, 2014: Resolution 14-45
    Certifying the 07 Oct 2014 General Election Results.


  • September 23, 2014: Resolution 14-44
    Supporting the Borough’s Grant Application for Public Safety Housing Projects in the Region and Related Purposes.
  • September 23, 2014: Resolution 14-43
    Supporting AIDEA’s Evaluation of an Industrial Road to the Ambler Mining District and Petitioning AIDEA for Involvement in Financial Opportunities.
  • September 23, 2014: Resolution 14-42
    Approving the Purchase of Equipment for the City of Kobuk and Related Purposes.


  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-41
    Approving Research Projects Funded Under the Borough’ Shell Research Grant Agreement and Related Purposes.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-40
    Approving a Contract with AVEC to Purchase and Insall LED Lights in Borough Communities and Related Purposes.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-39
    Accepting Additional AEA Grant Funds and Approving a Construction Contract with STG for the Deering Wind-Diesel Project and Related Purposes.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-38
    Confirming Designation of Martha Henry as the Acting Borough Clerk and Related Purposes.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-37
    Accepting Assembly Member Patrick Savok’s Resignation of Assembly Seat I and Related Purposes.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-36
    Adding Wendie Schaeffer as an Authorized Signatory for Borough Checks.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-35
    Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Damian Satterthwaite-Phillips, d/b/a Phillips Research and Analytics, for the Purposes of Completing Work on the Subsistence Mapping Project and Related Purposes.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-34
    Delegating to the Northwest Arctic Borough School District Specific Authorities Relating to Grant Agreement No. 15-DC-125 Between the Borough and the State of Alaska, Dept. of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, and Related Purposes.
  • August 27, 2014: Resolution 14-33
    To Issue General Obligation Refunding Bonds in the Principal Amount Not to Exceed $4.2 Million to Refund Certain Outstanding General Obligation Bonds of the Borough, Fixing Certain Details of Such Bonds and Authorizing their Sale.


  • June 27, 2014: Planning Commission Resolution PC-14-06
    Approving STG Inc. Conditional Use Permit #119-03-14 and Related Purposes.
  • June 27, 2014: Planning Commission Resolution PC-14-05
    Approving City of Buckland Conditional Use Permit #117-03-14 and Related Purposes.
  • June 27, 2014: Planning Commission Resolution PC-14-04
    Approving Native Village of Deering Conditional Use Permit #116-03-14 and Related Purposes.
  • June 27, 2014: Planning Commission Resolution PC-14-03
    Approving Shungnak Tribal Councils’ Conditional Use Permit #113-03-14 and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-31
    Authorizing an Agreement with Remote Solutions, LLC to Perform Grant-Related Services.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-30
    Accepting Alaska State Legislative Capital Grant Funds for FY 2015.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-24
    Authorizing an agreement with NANA Regional Corp. for Title 9 Monitoring Services and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-28
    To Approve the Purchase of Housing Supplies for a Two-Bedroom House in Noorvik for the VPSO Program and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-27
    Approving the Adoption of the Amended Employee Handbook and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-26
    To Approve the Extension of a Professional Services Agreement with GPS, Inc. to Perform a Community Profile Mapping Project in Cooperation with DCRA, and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-25
    Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Glenn Gray and Associates to Assist the Planning Dept. and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-24
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with KeyBanc Capital Markets for Financial Advising Services and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-23
    Authorizing Continuation of Services with Network Business Systems for Maintenance and Technical Support for the Borough’s Computer Equipment, Software, and Server, and Related Services.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-22
    Approving Continuation of a Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) Subgrant Agreement with the City of Kotzebue to Restore North Tent City and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-18-AM-01
    Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with McClintock Land Associates for Consulting, Mapping, and Surveying Services Related to the Borough’s Municipal Land Entitlement and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-16
    Authorizing a Contract for Services with Judith A. Hassinger as the Borough Treasurer and Related Purposes.
  • June 24, 2014: Resolution 14-15
    Authorizing a Contract for Legal Services and Related Purposes.
  • June 11, 2014: Resolution 14-21
    Approving the Purchase of a Wind Turbine from Northern Power, Inc., and Accepting Additional AEA Grant Funds for the Deering Wind-Diesel Project, and Related Purposes.
  • June 3, 2014: Resolution 14-12
    No Record of Resolution 14-12.


  • May 28, 2014: Resolution 14-20
    Accepting Additional AEA Grant Funds and Approving Construction for the Buckland Wind-Diesel Project and Related Purposes.
  • May 28, 2014: Resolution 14-19
    Approving the Purchase of Equipment for the VPSO Program and Related Purposes.
  • May 28, 2014: Resolution 14-17
    Approving the Unincorporated Community of Noatak for Participation in the FY15 Community Revenue Sharing Program.
  • May 13, 2014: Resolution 14-11
    No Record of Use.
  • May 5, 2014: Resolution 14-14
    Approving a Notice of Intent to Award and Limited Notice to Proceed to STG Inc. for Construction of the Buckland Wind-Diesel Project and Related Purposes.
  • May 5, 2014: Resolution 14-13
    Providing for the Local Contribution to Education for FY15 Ending June 30, 2015.


  • March 24, 2014: Resolution 14-10
    Approving a Freight Contract to Move Equipment for the Noatak IRA and Related Purposes.
  • March 24, 2014: Resolution 14-09
    Approving the Purchase of Equipment for the City of Shungnak and Related Purposes.


  • February 25, 2014: Resolution 14-08
    Adding Stella Atoruk as an Authorized Signatory for Borough Checks.
  • February 25, 2014: Resolution 14-07
    Accepting a Supplemental $981,491 Grant from the Renewable Energy Fund of Alaska to Continue the Multi-Year Wind-Diesel Project in Buckland and Related Purposes.
  • February 25, 2014: Resolution 14-06
    Designating the Alaska State Legislative Capital Grant Priorities for FY15.
  • February 19, 2014: Planning Commission Resolution 14-02
    Approving Northwest Arctic Borough Economic Development Dept. Conditional Use Permit #111-03-14 and Related Purposes.
  • February 19, 2014: Planning Commission Resolution 14-01
    Approving Northwest Arctic Borough Economic Development Dept. Conditional Use Permit # 106-03-14 and Related Purposes.


  • January 28, 2014: Resolution 14-05
    Supporting the Incorporation of the Iñupiaq Language into the Passenger Experience on Alaska Airlines Flights to and from Iñupiaq Communities.
  • January 28, 2014: Resolution 14-04
    Confirming the Mayor’s Appointment of Stella Atoruk as the Borough Clerk and Related Purposes.
  • January 28, 2014: Resolution 14-03
    Approving the Purchase of Wind Turbines for the Buckland Wind-Diesel Project and Related Purposes.
  • January 28, 2014: Resolution 14-02
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Bering Straits Development Co. and Related Purposes.
  • January 28, 2014: Resolution 14-01
    Approving a Contract with Alaska Amphib LLC and Related Purposes.


  • December 3, 2013: Resolution 13-75
    Accepting a $300,000 Dept. of Justice Cops Grant.
  • December 3, 2013: Resolution 13-74
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Kotzebue Electric Assoc.
  • December 3, 2013: Resolution 13-73
    Approving a Research Grant Agreement with Shell Exploration and Production Co. in an Amount Not to Exceed $1.2 Million.


  • October 29, 2013: Resolution 13-72
    Approving Conveyance of Borough-Owned Lands in Kiana for Housing Opportunities.
  • October 29, 2013: Resolution 13-71
    Approving a Contract with AVEC to Assist with Noorvik’s Multi-Year Wind-Diesel Project.
  • October 29, 2013: Resolution 13-70
    Approving the Purchase of Tires and Chains for the Noatak Fuel Hauler.
  • October 29, 2013: Resolution 13-69
    Confirming Appointment of Stella Atoruk as the Acting Borough Clerk.
  • October 29, 2013: Resolution 13-68
    Authorizing a Contract for Continuation of Services with Judith A. Hassinger as the Borough Treasurer.
  • October 29, 2013: Resolution 13-67
    Establishing the FY14 Long-Term Investment Allocation, Setting Appropriate Performance Benchmarks.
  • October 16, 2013: Planning Commission Resolution PC-13-03
    Approving the State of Alaska Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities Conditional Use Permit #102-03-14.
  • October 7, 2013: Resolution 13-66
    Approving an Agreement in the Amount of $200,375 Between the Borough and KIC Construction for the Kiana Storage Shed and Shop Renovation.
  • October 7, 2013: Resolution 13-65
    Delegating Administration of Grant 14-DC-119 to the City of Noorvik for Dumpster and Fencing Improvements.
  • October 7, 2013: Resolution 13-64
    Certifying the 01 Oct 2013 General Election Results.


  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-63
    Approving the Purchase of a Fuel Tank for the Noatak Fuel Hauler.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-62
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with WHPacific to Continue Developing a Regional Energy Plan.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-61
    Approving Continued Negotiations of the TERRA (Terrestrial for Every Region of Rural Alaska) Network.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-60
    Authorizing Participation in a Lawsuit Challenging National Marine Fisheries Service’s Listing of Distinct Population Segments of the Bearded Seal as Threatened.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-59 (Tabled until more information given at next regular meeting 24 Sep 2013, and brought before committee)
    Approving Conveyance of Borough-Owned Lands in Kiana for Housing Opportunities.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-58
    Approving Continuation of a Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) Subgrant Agreement with the City of Kotzebue to Restore North Tent City.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-57
    Approving an Agreement with KeyBank National Assoc. for Custodial Services for Borough Investments.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-56
    Accepting a FY14 Village Public Safety Officer Grant.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-55
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Cruz Construction for Assistance with Noatak Fuel Equipment.
  • September 3, 2013: Resolution 13-54
    Approving a Planning Assistance Agreement for the Kivalina Evacuation Road Study.


  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-53 (Failed: All 10 votes against)
    Accepting a FY14 Village Public Safety Officer Grant.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-52
    Approving Professional Services Agreements for Wind Turbine Design and Construction Documents.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-51
    Delegating to the Northwest Arctic Borough School District Specific Authorities Relating to Grant Agreement No. 14-DC-118 Between the Borough and the State of Alaska, Dept. of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-50
    Supporting the Application for a Grant with Alaska Housing Finance Corp. for a Public Safety Housing Grant.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-49
    Approving a Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) Subgrant Award to Maniilaq to Improve Region-Wide Waste Management.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-48
    Authorizing Continuation of Services with Network Business Systems for Maintenance and Technical Support for the Borough’s Computer Equipment, Software, and Server.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-47
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement in the Amount of $174,000 Between the Borough and Bethel Services, Inc.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-46
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Alaska Permanent Capital Management for Investment Management Services.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-44
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech in Support of a Biomass Energy Planning Project.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-43
    Authorizing an Agreement with NANA Regional Corp. for Title 9 Monitoring Services.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-42
    Accepting Library Assistance Grant Funds.
  • July 23, 2013: Resolution 13-41
    Accepting Six FY14 Designated Legislative Grants.
  • July 3, 2013: Resolution 13-45
    Approving a Professional Service Agreement in the Amount of $25,000 Between the Borough and Polar Auto & Services to Replace the Cape Thompson Shelter Cabin.


  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-40
    Declaring a Disaster as a Result of 2013 Spring Flooding in Kobuk, Alaska.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-39
    Approving a Purchase of Equipment for the Noatak IRA.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-38
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with KeyBanc Capital Markets for Financial Advising Services.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-37
    Delegating Administration of the F.R. Ferguson Scholarship Progra to the Aqqaluk Trust.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-36
    Accepting an Economic Development Grant in the Amount of $19,498 from the Rasmuson Foundation to Purchase Equipment for the Sulianich Art Center.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-35
    Accepting a Public Safety Grant in the Amount of $18,400 from the Rasumuson Foundation for Emergency Response Equipment.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-34
    Authorizing Brandye de la Cruz as an Authorized Signatory on Borough Checks.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-33
    Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with McClintock Land Associates for Consulting, Mapping, and Surveying Services Related to the Borough’s Municipal Land Entitlement.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-32
    Approving a Professional Services Contract with Remote Solutions in an Amount Not to Exceed $45,000 for FY14.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-31
    Accepting a Supplemental $765,000 Grant from the Renewable Energy Fund of Alaska to Continue the Multi-Year Wind/Diesel Project in the Communities of Buckland, Deering, and Noorvik to Offset the Use of Diesel Fuel.
  • June 25, 2013: Resolution 13-17 AM-01
    Providing for an Amended Local Contribution to Education for FY14 Ending 30 June, 2014.
  • June 20, 2013: Planning Commission Resolution PC-13-02
    Recommending Supporting the Native Village of Selawik’s Project to Build a New Store.
  • June 20, 2013: Planning Commission Resolution PC-13-01
    Recommending Designation of a Section of Borough-Owned Lands in Kiana for a Housing Development.


  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-30
    Approving an Agreement with the Northwest Iñupiat Housing Authority.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-29 (Withdrawn: no votes)
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with KeyBanc Capital Markets for Financial Advising Services.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-28 (Withdrawn: no votes)
    Approving a Professional Service Agreement in the Amount of $25,000 with Polar Auto & Services to Replace the Cape Thompson Shelter Cabin.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-27 (Withdrawn: no votes)
    Approving a Professional Services Contract with Remote Solutions in an Amount Not to Exceed $25,000 for FY13.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-26
    Accepting $21,800 from the National Park Services and Approving Borough Participation in the 2013 Qatnut Trade Fair.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-25
    Authorizing a Professional Services Contract with Glenn Gray and Associates to Assist the Planning Department.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-24
    Authorizing a Professional Services Contract with Glenn Gray and Associates for the Purposes of Conducting Program Evaluation for the CIAP Subsistence Mapping Project.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-23
    Authorizing a Memorandum of Agreement for FY14 with Oceana for Cooperation in the Borough’s Coastal Impact Assistance Program to Improve Subsistence Information.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-22
    Approving a Professional Services Contract with Legislative Consultants in Alaska for FY14.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-21
    Authorizing a Contract for Legal Services.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-20
    Authorizing a Contract for Services with Judith A. Hassinger as the Borough Treasurer.
  • May 24, 2013: Resolution 13-19
    Accepting a Donation in the Amount of Up to $50,000 from Conoco Phillips to Support the Subsistence Mapping Project.


  • April 24, 2013: Resolution 13-18
    Reestablishing a Usage Fee for Certain Borough Buildings Used in Support of Education.
  • April 24, 2013: Resolution 13-16
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Neil S Seldon and Associates to Provide a Zinc and Lead Minerals Market Outlook.
  • April 24, 2013: Resolution 13-15
    Authorizing Agreements to Construct and Maintain Ice Roads.
  • April 23, 2013: Resolution 13-17
    Providing for the Local Contribution to Education for FY14 Ending 30 June 2014.


  • March 26, 2013: Resolution 13-14
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Bering Straits Development Co.
  • March 26, 2013: Resolution 13-13
    Authorizing Continuation of Services with Network Business Systems for Maintenance and Technical Support of the Borough’s Computer Equipment, Software, and Server.
  • March 26, 2013: Resolution 13-12
    Approving Unincorporated Communities for Participation in the FY14 Community Revenue Sharing Program.
  • March 26, 2013: Resolution 13-11
    Accepting State Operating Funds in the Amount Not to Exceed $196,500 for the Village Public Safety Officer’s Program.


  • February 26, 2013: Resolution 13-10
    Approving a Professional Services Contract with Legislative Consultants in Alaska.
  • February 26, 2013: Resolution 13-09
    Approving the Purchase of an Ecocycle 25/12 Wind Turbine, Accessory Parts, and Training in an Amount Up to $170,000.
  • February 26, 2013: Resolution 13-08 (Amended)
    Accepting Funding to Construct Ice Roads.
  • February 26, 2013: Resolution 13-07
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with WHPacific to Perform Design and Engineering Services for Renovation of the Kiana Shop.
  • February 26, 2013: Resolution 13-06
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with WHPacific to Continue Developing a Regional Energy Plan.
  • February 26, 2013: Resolution 13-05
    Accepting $293,300 in AEA/EETF Funds for a Two-Year Regional Energy Project.


  • January 29, 2013: January 29, 2013: Resolution 13-04
    Approving a Professional Services Agreement with ANTHC to Perform Water and Sewer Management Capacity Evaluations for Borough Villages.
  • January 29, 2013: Resolution 13-03
    Accepting $250,000 in Support of a Biomass Energy Planning Project.
  • January 3, 2013: Resolution 13-02
    Adding and Authorizing Fred J. Smith as a Signatory on Borough Checks.
  • January 3, 2013: Resolution 13-01
    Approving a Contract with Optima Public Relations.