The NAB Community and Economic Development Department promotes community and economic enhancement, research and development consistent with the traditional culture and values of the people of the region. The promotion occurs through identification of programs and services that will encourage such development, coordination with other agencies and governments within and outside the region, direct administration of grant, loan and marketing programs, and the collection and distribution of employment, education and other demographic data.


The Community and Economic Development Department administers all NAB programs designed to promote economic opportunity for NAB residents. The Department also serves as staff support to the Community and Economic Development Commission.

Active programs within the Community and Economic Development Department include:

Community and Economic Development Staff

Chuck Greene

Senior Director of Operations

Hannah Sheldon

CED Administrator

Ingemar Mathiasson

Energy Manager (Ambler)

Shauntai Shroyer

Energy IPP Coordinator

Vika Owens

Sulianich Art Center Coordinator